OCR: This means you cannot have more than 7 unique SCSI IDs on all SCSI buses your Mac offers E.g. having two disks with ID1 on bus and bus will result in Mt. Everything only recognize one of them. Earlier versions of this document stated: "Do not use Mt. Everything's built- -in driver with SCSI Manager 4.3 since it may make devices on other busses become unavailable the System and will force the whole SCSI bus to old SCSI Manager emulatior (no async 1/O) so you may experience performance loss' This waswronginformation. Sorry for the confusion caused by it To correct things: When SCSI Manager 4.3 available you may well use Mt. Everything built- -in driver You are however limited use the driver on disks which appear ir Mt. Everything control panel window, or in other words, on drives which are m ...